Dermatology Dermatologist


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Can There be Safer Alternatives to Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermabrasion, and Face-lifts?

Since the introduction of cosmetic dermatology, dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons have claimed to include refined procedures that are able to reduce the visible signs of aging and sun damage and to tone, smooth, and to cure skin imperfections of all varieties. With recent advances in the field of cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic surgeons claim that cosmetic surgeries of face lift, dermabrasion and fat grafting, artificial collagen restoration etc. have become easier and more affordable for more and more people to achieve the perfect looking skin that they crave for.

However, case studies made by various natural skin care manufacturing companies have revealed some major pitfalls of cosmetic dermatology. Ironically, in most cases, cosmetic dermatology has turned out to be the most unwelcome disasters that have affected your skin totally with high dosages of chemical drugs. In cases of surgeries of cosmetic dermatology, there has always been the risk of intense bruising and the scars that those leave behind, which even the most sophisticated surgeons have not been able to diminish fully. Apart from the effects of dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing, Botox therapy and collagen restoration surgeries too have been quite fatal, as far as the safety aspects of the anti-aging skin care is concerned.

If you've got wrinkles, laugh lines or crow's feet and are planning 'surface repairs' on your face never opt for dermabrasion. Although many surgeons would recommend dermabrasion to repair the lines and scars on your face, remember there are alternative options too to get rid of your facial scars. Dermabrasion uses surgical instruments to remove the affected skin layers and may not always prove to be a simple and pain-free solution to your facial problems. Instead, a chemical peel is used more often to treat fine wrinkles.

Though surgeons say that there aren't any recorded ill effects of dermabrasion, those who've undergone this surgical procedure know how painful it is. In fact, dermabrasion is not welcome by most people, particularly the older generation, because it is not only a painful exercise, but also need a 'time-out' in most cases. Alternative pain-free and safe solutions available from premier dermal therapy product companies help extend cell life and reducing potential ill affects of demabrasion.

Today, courtesy the anti-aging skin care manufacturers, a variety of products are there at your disposal that heal almost all ailments mentioned in dermatology science. Some of those not only defy many popular beliefs of dermatology, but also heal old age skin ailments like wrinkles, laugh lines and crow's feet. This revolution has come as various manufacturers of skin-related drugs have been striving to enrich the science of dermatology by continuously inventing new methods of painless, safe and cost-effective treatment of skin diseases and anomalies for people of all age groups.

Anti-aging Process Therapies: These include an endless number of gels, creams and patches that are a superior substitute to surgery and other methods of medication in dermatology. They not only help in stemming the aging process, but also alleviate sufferings of painful surgery among the old age people. While there are transdermal (through-the-skin) therapies like OHT Peptide-3, there are also tanning towels and scar therapy patches that are used by the young and the old alike.

Deep Skin Cleansing Therapies: A number of products are marketed that help in deep skin cleansing and return the youthful glow on your face. While On-The-Spot Acne Patches help heal pimples by directing maximum strength acne medicine straight to the pimple - and keeping it there all night long, super-deluxe versions of Deep Cleansing pore strips clean your clogged pores. On the other hand, wart remover patches are a medicated treatment for the fast, effective removal of warts, redefining dermatology in the process!

Then there are a slew of discount beauty supply offers, including anti-aging skin care infused with botanicals, anti-oxidants and technologically advanced ingredients that take skin care to a new level.

The therapeutic benefits of a skin care cream made from elements of Mother Nature, either in the form of an anti-wrinkle cream or a stretch mark removing cream, are reaching sophisticated women today through websites of natural skin care product dealers. Working as online stores, they offer dry skin care and other skin care remedies in the form of luscious crème masks, herbal lotions and other nature-based therapies with restorative botanicals and animal proteins, improving skin tone and texture and maintaining skin elasticity.

While the *Botox® therapy, cosmetic peels and micro dermabrasion have been ever-growing obsessions for people with acne, pigmentation, wrinkles and other acute skin problems, the dry skin care cream, anti-wrinkle cream and stretch mark removing cream carry the latest non surgical face lift or face rejuvenation techniques along with full information of their basic natural ingredients. The non-surgical face-lift these products offer is 100% safe, toxin-free and cost-effective to a great extent.

What are you waiting for, then? Go for these “non-surgical” face-lifts to give your skin new life!

Lopa Bhattacharya is a content writer/developer working for various overseas corporate website projects, CD-Rom presentations, brochures, flyers and other communication materials). Has worked on numerous SEO copywriting projects on varied themes ranging from travel, hotel industry, photography, web design and software development to US-based clubs and network communities. Was previously an editorial associate for the news, culture and entertainment portal based on the life and times of Kolkata.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

When Should I See A Dermatologist For Acne Treatment?

Ah, the struggles of adolescence. As if puberty, after school chaos, homework and social anxiety weren't enough, someone had to go and throw acne in the mix. Who can cope? And with picture day and the dance just weeks away, it is unthinkable. But it is nothing new. Teens, pre-teens and even adults have been struggling with the acne dilemma throughout the history of mankind, and they will continue to do so. Fortunately, though, there are treatments that can help.

There are two major types of acne treatments: those that you can purchase at any drug store or department store and those that you get from a dermatologist or doctor. When it comes to acne, dermatologist treatment is often more intense than over-the-counter treatments. Physician prescribed treatments are often more in line with your skin's particular needs as a dermatologist can accurately type your skin and prescribe the exact acne medication needed. The problem with department store treatments is that there is not any professional diagnosis or advice that comes along with them. This leaves a lot of room for error.

Don't get me wrong. Over-the-counter treatments are great, and they work for the majority of people who try them. For some, though, the treatments just don't seem to work. It is for these people that acne dermatologist treatment is recommended.

If not properly treated, acne can cause scarring that will remain with a person for the rest of their life. This is why it is vital to keep acne under control even if it means going to a professional. Dermatological skin treatments are often stronger and more intense than acne treatments that you can purchase in the store, but does that mean that they are better? Not necessarily. The greatest factor that makes dermatological treatments work when others have failed is the doctor who prescribes them.

So, how can you tell when and if you need an acne dermatologist treatment? The following is a list to help you out:

  • If over-the-counter treatments have failed.
  • If your acne is severe or prolonged.
  • If you can see pitting or scarring on the surface of your skin.
  • If your siblings have severe, uncontrollable acne.
  • If your acne causes a lot of emotional pain.

Over-the-counter medications work for nearly 4 out of 5 people. When they don't work, though, an acne dermatologist treatment is needed. If your acne is out of control, do not wait to see a doctor. Every day that you wait could be taking a visual toll on your skin.

Learn how different acne care treatment can easily and quickly solve your acne problem by visiting for more tips, advice, and resources about acne dermatologist treatments

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Acne Treatment - How to Choose a Dermatologist

When you suffer from severe acne or acne that is very painful, you will need to consider going to a dermatologist. Your self-esteem will probably thank you for this, and you will need to consider several concepts to ensure that you are choosing the best doctor for your needs.

Most people feel apprehensive when they visit a dermatologist for the first time. They feel very odd about having somebody go and pick around at your face. You will also be showing off things that you spend a lot of time trying to hide as well. When you begin "shopping around" for a dermatologist, you will want to make a list of what you are looking for and what your concerns are. You want to find someone who is concerned with your needs and your mental stability, versus someone who is mostly concerned with your acne instead of you. Consider these few questions:

- What do you like about your primary physician?

- Are you concerned about someone who is sensitive to your concerns?

- Do you want someone with a good bedside manner?

- Are you worried that appointments won't accommodate your hectic schedule?

Whatever your needs are, a good dermatologist will answer your questions and will do their best to be sensitive to your needs. They will also be able to provide you with a variety of treatment options. If you have any questions about available treatments they should be able to answer those questions as well. Be open and honest with your dermatologist and they will do the same for you. They want you to be prepared for the treatment and they want to offer all of the information you can. If you are nervous, tell your doctor and they will do their best to help you out.

A well-trained dermatologist will be a medical doctor that is board certified and trained in dermatology. The dermatologist should also be a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. You will also need to find a dermatologist with experience in dealing with acne and the severity that you may have. An experienced dermatologist is able to give you a more accurate diagnosis and will provide you with an appropriate treatment.

Need more help getting rid of your acne? I have written many articles as well as a review about Acne Free in 3 Days or comparisons of the Best Acne Treatment and invite you to learn more today.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Dermatologist Skin Care Products - Choosing Without Prejudice

Dermatologist skin care products used to appeal to me. In the past I had little faith if any of the over the counter skin care products. If there was no dermatologist recommended skin care product I would just walk away. Since my early days I had bought a large number of dermatologist skin care products because I was not happy with the cards mother nature had given me. No matter whatever product I tried I still saw flaws. My parents spent a lot of cash in my teen years purchasing on a monthly basis boxes and boxes of skin care products. To fight acne I tried products that would dry my skin which gave me mass irritation. My skin began to develop rashes that spread all over my face and provided me with a new problem to fight against.

What I didn't comprehend was that my dermatologist skin care products were part of the problem. You see, dermatologist recommended skin care products very rarely use a gentle touch. The whole point of going to a skin care dermatologist is receiving something that will work, and work now. Dermatological skin creams quite often have steroids, antibiotics, or other harsh ingredients. For difficult problems, it can be just what the doctor ordered, but for milder issues, it might often make the problem much worse.

Unfortunately, I didn't understand this fact until much later. By the time I gave up my faith in dermatologist skin care , I was no longer coping with the problems of youth, but with those of age. I went to my dermatologist for anti aging creams, wrinkle removers, and similar kinds of other stuff like that. My skin looked mottled to me, and although my friends insisted that there was nothing wrong with it, I thought differently. Unfortunately, all that my dermatologist could do was to irritate my skin further.

Luckily, one of my friends took me to a cosmetics store and educated me what was what. She had gone to the doctor to get dermatologist skin care products when she was younger too, so she knew all about it. In her case, however, some of the dermatologist recommended skin care products had caused a harsh reaction. She had not done well with the steroidal cream they had given her, and it made her very sick. She had learned the hard way what she was showing me the easy way: that sometimes over the counter skincare is the best way to go.

For more info, see Dermatologist Skin Care Products and Dermatologist Skin Care. Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Skin Care Products.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dermatologist Recommended Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Problems With Aging
An obvious problem with aging is the traces it leaves behind on a person's face; that is, wrinkles. There are many ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles but, not all of these ways may be safe or even FDA approved. Only few anti-wrinkle products are actually clinically proven to have a noticeable effect. Dermatologists will make it a point to only prescribe those products that work the best are most safe.

What Dermatologists are Looking For
Dermatologists are looking to prescribe anti-wrinkle cream that will be most effective and it is best to use on the skin. Some of the main things they will look for in a skin cream before they recommend it are:
• Ingredients that hydrate the skin
• Natural products
• Collagen production enhancing ingredients
• Ingredients that will work with your skin's natural pH level.

A combination of all these elements make for the best anti wrinkle cream and so, products that have all of these things are more often recommended by dermatologists.

Anti aging Secrets Dermatologists Know
Other ways to prevent wrinkles that dermatologists may want you to consider are simply natural ways of avoiding things that cause wrinkles.
• Don't smoke
• Use products that contain sun screen
• Try to avoid sunlight
• Use moisturizers

Since doing even all of these things may not prevent wrinkles, because sadly, none of them stop time, many people need to look to anti- wrinkle cream and your dermatologist will know which one to recommend.

How Dermatologists Know what to Recommend
Dermatologist know that the best anti wrinkle cream to prescribe is one that will give fast, lasting results. They are also going to be aware of any allergies you may have to certain products and so, they will know what to prescribe instead that will work just as well without causing more problems. Natural ingredients like oils and products that are rich in vitamins will help better reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Natural products are less harsh on the skin and organic oils are easier for it to absorb. Products like "Athena 7 Minute Lift", "Hydroderm" and "Dermitage" all contain these elements and dermatologists will likely prescribe these, or others like them.

For information about Dermatologist Recommended Anti-Wrinkle Creams please visit where we review the most effective wrinkle creams on the market today. Also please read our Lifecell moisturizer review.

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